I am a intermediate programmer with just over one year experience.

Everywhere I read about the power of lisp and really want to use it. If it is so good why ain't it is used more?

It is very easy to get sites running using ASP .NET, wordpress, RoR or Django. I have worked on production sites using the first two. And personally tried on small projects on the last two.

Is there a way to use Lisp professionally?

Clojure is very capable for web development, but getting started is not as clear cut as it is with something like Rails or Django. This is because the Clojure community tends to eschew large frameworks, and instead prefers using smaller, more focused libraries. This provides a lot of flexibility, but is intimidating at first because it requires you to choose your own libraries for routing, db interaction, templating, etc.

Everything is to be built on top of Ring, which is the Clojure equivalent of Rack or WSGI. Compojure is pretty much the standard for routing at the moment. Korma is a very popular DSL for writing SQL. For templating, Hiccup and Enlive are popular, but there are other options as well.

I would start off by getting a decent understanding of Ring and Compojure and building from there.







http://www.clojure-toolbox.com/ is really helpful for finding appropriate libraries.