I have re-read the readme about 5 times now, and I'm still not really sure what it is.
I _think_ its an API wrapper to make functionality available in older versions of windows, is is only in newer versions of windows? Or maybe other platforms that support UWP? It feels like the readme is written in startup-speak, where I was expecting it to be a little more... developer-y?
'At Build 2020 [1] today, Microsoft unveiled Project Reunion [2], its latest attempt to unify the Windows developer platform by reducing fragmentation between Win32 APIs and Universal Windows Platform (UWP) APIs. Microsoft also promises Project Reunion can modernize existing apps with the latest functionality, whether they’re built using C++, .NET (including WPF, Windows Forms, and UWP), or React Native. Additionally, it can decouple the APIs from Windows via tools like NuGet, and it brings new WinUI 3 and WebView2 releases.'[3]
Possibly related:
Windows Package Manager Preview
[1] https://mybuild.microsoft.com
[2] https://github.com/microsoft/ProjectReunion
[3] https://venturebeat.com/2020/05/19/microsofts-project-reunio...