I occasionally use Python for large-scale processing of structured data (XML, JSON) and the data's really messy as you'd expect (malformed responses, missing fields, normalisation, etc..). One of the things putting me off of Go for these kinds of projects is it's much more verbose/harder to handle edge cases - it feels like I'm less productive writing the program, but end up building something much more stable than the Python equivalent.

I'm definitely going to see if Go is acceptable for my next project since I really need the performance for my workload, and I've wanted to put this great language to work in something that isn't a toy project.

> is it's much more verbose/harder to handle edge cases - it feels like I'm less productive writing the program, but end up building something much more stable than the Python equivalent

This is exactly how I felt moving from a Python codebase to Go. But you realize on the 100th or so Python stacktrace that it's worth the investment up front, if not for type safety alone.

> I really need the performance for my workload

Careful with that assumption. A pure Go application will in many cases be more performant than a pure Python one, but Python has a better C interop story. In the particular cases of parsing XML and JSON, I'd wager Python is much faster, actually.

> This is exactly how I felt moving from a Python codebase to Go. But you realize on the 100th or so Python stacktrace that it's worth the investment up front, if not for type safety alone.

Luckily, you don't have to choose between those two outcomes:
