Every website I visit these days seems to have this newsletter modal timebomb that unexpectedly blows once I've read a few sentences or so. Like the quarter-screen cookie dialog, I've just become blind to them searching just long enough to find an "X" or "close" button. I wonder how many others are being conditioned in the same way?

At any rate, i think it's worth pointing out that you can always blog (and please support rss!). If the goal is to make money, maybe newsletters are one way to avoid grimy ads, but that said, how many newsletters are filled with ads and affiliate crap anyways?

I like the idea of getting emails for stuff I am consistently interested in. I just don't get the hype.

It's not perfect, but I've been using this Kill Sticky [1] bookmarklet to ditch those modals without having to look around for their [close] or 'x' link.

[1] https://github.com/t-mart/kill-sticky