VS Code is such an excellent open-source project, and also such a great tool despite the obvious and much-bemoaned inherent disadvantages (aka "tradeoffs") that come with being an Electron-based app that it, along with its cousin TypeScript, fundamentally changed my perception of Microsoft.

I'm not monogamous with my code editors and typically have a few of them open.

These days, I notice VSCode is very likely to be one of them.

This roadmap document seems eminently reasonable, and pretty representative of how well-run the VS Code project tends to be.

> I’m not monogamous with my code editors

I’ve always wondered why some people seem so married to a single editor. Based on the file type or context I might bounce between a number of them.

I used to use Sublime Text a lot, but that’s been completely replaced for me by VSCode.

I use IntelliJ IDEA predominantly for Java, Groovy, Python, Kotlin, PHP. I’m not a fan of its type hinting for JS or suggestions for HTML/SASS/CSS so I use VSCode for all my ‘web’ work.

I’ve also found VSCode to be faster/nicer than IDEA for random things like JSON, SQL, Dockerfiles, Vagrantfiles, Bash scripts.

IDEA generally supports these well enough, but is too noisy (constant bugging about connecting to a data source when opening a SQL file, etc.) or is just lacking a little something compared to VSCode.

> I’ve always wondered why some people seem so married to a single editor.

I'm thinking exactly opposite. I wonder why people change their IDE's/Editors so much between Eclipse/Visual Studio/IntelliJ or between notepad++/sublime-text/atom/VScode/coda/text-mate etc.

What's wrong with using vim or emacs and being happy rest of your career? It's funny so many of my colleagues kid me by saying "emacs is a great operating system but it lacks a good editor" without ever trying it while I'm using emacs without a problem for the last 6-7 years and people around me changing their editors every year to "popular editor of the year" for better features/performance.

> It's funny so many of my colleagues kid me by saying "emacs is a great operating system but it lacks a good editor" without ever trying it while I'm using emacs without a problem for the last 6-7 years and people around me changing their editors every year

I thought only the vim users used that refrain. vim users are also unlikely to switch to a different editor.

Vim users used to, but now that emacs has a decent text editor[0], they can't.

[0]: https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil