This is missing pointing everyone at a phenomenal ncurses git log viewer:

And another great bit: always do `git commit -v` for verbose commit edits. Read your diffs before you commit them.

How can anyone have a project home page without..showing me why I should use the project.

Would it have killed Jonas to include a screenshot in the README?

I'm not going to install something just because someone says it's good. I have to go multiple links deep to get taken to a Flickr gallery, and even then I'm not sure what is so good about it:

You make a good point, and I was similarly disappointed in the homepage, so let me elaborate a bit on why I use it:

1. I want a Git log viewer right in my terminal, that gives me most of the benefits of visualizing a Git log like a "real" GUI.

2. Fast startup. I work in dozens of Git repositories a day, many submodules, etc. To visualize these effectively, I want to type a few characters in my terminal and see the Git history in a digestible way.

3. This essentially `git log --graph --pretty` with the ability to deep-dive into a single commit view of `git log -p` with nothing more than a stroke of the return key. To exit, I hit ESC.

4. Vim-like bindings in a Git viewer. Every visual app that I use daily in my terminal has "roughly Vim" bindings, from Emacs ( to Zsh (bindkey -v) to Tig.

5. This is just as fast to start as `git log --graph --oneline`, but I get a fully interactive view of a Git Repo history. For example, the Linux source [1].

Perhaps I should compile my thoughts and send some README updates and screenshots to help the project.
