It seems a lot of people have used emacs for years and love it. I never saw the point of learning as it seemed cryptic. In 2020 is it worth putting the effort to learn now? I figure with vim and IDEs I dont really need it.

I switched to emacs in 2019 after using primarily vim for 12 years, and I think it's more than worth it. It's not an editor, it's not an IDE, it is kind of like an operating system where you can have a text editor, debugger, notes, mail, whatever you want. If you dig that, you'll love emacs. It's extensible in a way you've probably not experienced anywhere else, so if you like honing your tools so they fit the way you want to work, emacs is for you. I've actually come to long for an operating system that gives me the same "interactivity" as emacs does.

Of course, I edit text in emacs with evil: