This is great. I'm glad a good company is backing an open source project like this. I've built abstractions like this at two companies, and I hope one day I can stop writing my own. Some comments:

I see "promotion" on the roadmap, so this is probably in the works. But the current "Workspaces" each have their own build. I really want to be able to promote the same artifact from one environment (staging) to another (production). I'd also like to be able to choose the artifact build/version to deploy, not just what happens to be in my local repo.

The concept of multiple environments also brings up the need to vary things by environment. App config (env vars) are obvious. But also settings like number of replicas or auto scaling min/max (auto scaling is also required).

The biggest thing most of the tools in the space lack, like all the ones that try to copy the docker-compose.yml syntax, is standardized reusable app settings. Imagine I have two common types of app, "API services" and "background workers". They have common settings, like maybe they all default to using /healthz for health checks and auto-scaling at 70% CPU. Then within each group they vary, "API services" use internal load balancers and "background workers" don't.

I don't want every individual "API service" app to have to say "my health check endpoint is /healthz" and "I run on port 8080 and need a load balancer". Those are the defaults, and if the app uses the defaults it shouldn't need to be configured. But at the same time I want the app to be able to override the defaults. Within a well standardized environment 90% of app infra settings (not env vars) are the same, or can use the same template (like the image is{app_name}:{build_id}). I want to be able to reuse the settings.

I think what you're looking for is micro => or the hosted version Our goal is basically to abstract the entirety of this away to a common experience from the developers viewpoint.