Hi all! Co-author of the post here and founder of Micro. Let me know if you have any questions. As always interested to discuss and get feedback. Cheers, Asim.

Why invest time and money in your platform, instead of an established one like Cloudflare and their new Workers platform?

Features are similar, especially when combined with Cloudflare Access (50 users free).

Good question. Cloudflare and many other platforms like it are closed source and you're mostly locked in to a very custom development model, there's also no escape hatch. For what you get, it's great, I love cloudflare but I also think we're in a world where being open source first matters. Micro is open source (https://github.com/micro/micro) and that's how it started life. It's now "source available" in the sense that we use a license that stops AWS from picking up and hosting it for profit without contributing back, but it's otherwise completely usable for any purpose.

Micro as an open source platform enables the ability to self host, develop locally and move beyond our offering m3o.com. I think it also creates trust and thats something we're going to really be thinking about a lot in the next 5-10 years.

We're also looking beyond the core primitives themselves towards these value add services in the category of "backend", "logistics", etc. I think providing a generic platform as a service isn't good enough anymore, we really have to push a lot further.