How long until this is a feature baked into a mainstream web browser? Archive, prefetch, cache, all variants on a theme. History, bookmarks, local search engine, all the same.

I often wish that I could do a full text search of every page I've already visited.

I'm working in that in my "self host the internet offline from your browsing history" project

It makes a web archive from everything you browse, and lately I've been working on the full text search

Seems it requires chrome to work?

Wow, your reading comprehension is amazingly good. Yep, that's correct.

There's a link to more info on the Chrome thing but it 404s

Thank you for saving that, pirate niki! I think i saved a copy as well, right? Yep, here

I've got lots of these archives of issues and comments lying around. It's good to see more!

Btw i knew you'd show up on a comment thread where i posted my stuff. You're like obsessed with my project, right? Why, haha? Maybe because you've got you own archive project, the archive box. "Competition". Hahaha. I hope you haven't got to the point of "search alerts" obsessed, hahaha, don't fret too much, niki pirate! Everyone check out pirate's the archive box, he made the trip here, do him a favor!

Thanks for showing up niiki, it's good to see you again. See you next time!