
Archiving is important, we have already seen so much online history gone down the drain or just accidentally saved.

Large institutions like the internet archive are doing an admirable job, but there is a lot of content that they cannot and will not cover. So we will definitely (also) need volunteer-based archival for the foreseeable future.

18TB drives are ~$300 a piece right now, go buy one and help our collective memory!

ArchiveTeam sends archives to Internet Archive but the two are not related. I don't think you confused the two but I mention this every time just in case.

The Warrior is a small Docker image that downloads files via your ISP connection and forwards them to the AT servers. No need for large drives.

For my personal use, I have a home server install of and for that one you may want to get some storage, though I prefer to host its data on the SSD for performance reasons (my archive grows approx. 5000 items or 150GB per year). It's like a private Internet Archive on your home network.