While leading the software R&D team at Square USA (we made the "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within" movie and one of the "Animatrix" shorts) our team got to develop some cool software both for the PS2 and the little known GSCube experimental machine.

The GSCube was 16 GS processors in a box, and could be configured to access the frame buffer as a 4x4 tile format or as 16 layers composited in real time.

For Siggraph 2000, we showed a demo of a shot from the movie running in real time, allowing the user to interactively change the surface materials of the character. The scene was Aki floating in zero gravity, and included individual hair strands.

My own memorable piece of geekery involved implementing Perlin Noise entirely on the VU1, and demoing a field of tall grass blowing in the wind.

Fun stuff.

Wow. What are you working on now? What is life like?

Life is great. I am currently working on a new open source 3D package written in Common Lisp: https://github.com/kaveh808/kons-9