Dear GitHub actions. I want &pointers so I don’t have to repeat myself.

Also, I like that you build the hypothetical merge of branch + main. But that commit SHA is gone after that successful build. Give me a way to track this. I need to store artifacts related to this build, as I don’t want to build those again!

> I need to store artifacts related to this build, as I don’t want to build those again!

they do seem to be capable of saving most things people call artifacts or if you are looking for something more along the lines of caching parts of the build for future builds, you can adjust it pretty easily by adjusting what the cache key is based on.


  key: ${{ runner.os }}-cargo-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.lock') }}
which will allow you to cached based on the hash of a specific deps lock file instead of the commit sha.

The one note here is clearing that cache/cache management isn't straight forward currently (although they are improving it), there are a few acceptable workarounds though.

Not sure if you were aware of these already.