I want to stress the importance of not using

  id int SERIAL
If you are on a somewhat recent version of postgres, please do yourself a favor and use:

An "identity column", the part here:


You might think this is trivial -- but SERIAL creates an "owned" (by a certain user) sequence behind the scenes, and so you run into massive headaches if you try to move things around.

Identity columns don't, and avoid the issue altogether.


I'll stop short of giving a recommendation or using the word "should", but ill give encouragement to consider using uuid's for keys. I have used them in several systems and have never had any issues with them, and they solve so many issues. The ability to generate a key on the client or on the server or in the database is great for one. And the fact that keys are unique not only in a table but in the system (or many systems) is a huge advantage.

Yeah I recognize the arguments for UUID keys:

  - Avoids people being able to just iterate through records, or to discover roughly how many records of a thing you have
  - Allows you to generate the key before the row is saved
I think I default to auto-increment ID's due to:

  - Familiarity bias
  - They have a temporal aspect to them (IE, I know row with ID 225 was created before row with ID 392, and approximately when they might be created)
  - Easier to read (when you have less than +1,000,000 rows in a table)
I agree and think you're right in that UUID's are probably a better default.

Though you can never find a "definitive" guide/rule online or in the docs unfortunately.

> They have a temporal aspect to them (IE, I know row with ID 225 was created before row with ID 392, and approximately when they might be created)

UUIDv7 (currently a draft spec[0]) are IDs that can be sorted in the chronological order they were created

In the meantime, ulid[1] and ksuid[2] are popular time-sortable ID schemes, both previously discussed on HN[3]

[0] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-peabody-dispatch...

[1] https://github.com/ulid/spec

[2] https://github.com/segmentio/ksuid

[3] ulid discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18768909

UUIDv7 discusison: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28088213