yeah I noticed that too :(

Edit 2: I didn’t realize I was replying to OP, so what I wrote below is not very relevant.

I’ll leave it here so people can read it if they’re trying to avoid doing something else.

Original comment below


As long as we’re doing HN meta comments, I’ll bring up that your “me too” reply is a pet peeve of mine.

It would’ve been better to just upvote the parent comment and not reply with “me too”. A comment like that adds nothing to the conversation.

Truly no offense is intended but the only time it’s additive is when the person saying it is notable to the conversation. Like OP, the article author, a moderator, etc.

In those cases it’s only helpful if they clearly state who they are. Otherwise, it comes off as just another person asking for attention without contributing something.

So, I downvoted your comment but wanted you to know why.

Now, that I’ve said my peace, I must find something else to procrastinate with.

Maybe I’ll continually refresh this page with the hope that I’ll get a reply and could procrastinate further by writing another long winded comment.

Bonus points if they say something I think is blatantly wrong.

Fingers crossed.

Edit: Anytime I see a “me too” comment, I sing the line from Weird Al’s “all about the pentiums”. I won’t repeat the line because it’s offensive and that’s not how I feel but I sing it every time.

I wonder if anyone else does this too.

While I agree with you, I think the exception to the rule (and maybe a few others) is the OP of a post, in this case sixhobbets is the OP.

::face palm::

Thanks for pointing that out.

I will change my downvote to an upvote.

Though I did mention that it’s acceptable for someone like OP but only when they explicitly say they’re OP. However, it would be silly for OP to keep mentioning they’re OP in every comment.

Reddit is nice in the way they give OPs comment a slight treatment to make it clear they are OP.

I use Refined Hacker News (, which helpfully highlights the OP in the HN orange.