I have been envious of pattern matching for decades. It is one of those language features I saw (almost certainly in OCaml) and just desired it. I have not worked professionally in any language that supports it.

One tiny annoyance I have with many implementations of this feature:

    # standalone `in` just returns `false` the pattern doesn't match, useful in `if`:
    if point in [x, y]
      # it was a 2-element array, and we checked and deconstructed it
      # ...
This pattern, where `x` and `y` are introduced into the block is a pretty common way to expose a kind of pattern matching guard. You can be sure that inside the `if` block you have valid non-null references to both `x` and `y`.

But I hate nesting. In most cases when I am asserting some form of data what I want to do is exit the function if the data is invalid, perhaps with some error code.

So what I want is:

    unless point in [x, y]
      log.error("Invalid point")
      return /* ideally some Option/Result */
    # code assuming valid x & y
This is one of those "wouldn't it be nice" kinda syntax sugar things, but if I have a series of guards that are progressively narrowing types it ends up feeling much nicer to me.
Jakt [1] shares your design philosophy, and has implemented syntax like this: [2]

    guard foo is Bar(x) else {
        println("not matched")
        return -1 as! c_int
    println("hello there: {}", x)
[1]: https://github.com/SerenityOS/jakt

[2]: https://github.com/SerenityOS/jakt/blob/main/samples/guard/i...