Will this be available for the open-source/self-hosted version? Would be awesome if this makes it there and we can self-host Timescale within AWS with S3 backing the storage of older data.

I use Timescale for internal analytics tools -- time-series metrics, logs, etc from hardware systems. Our deployments have very low CPU usage, so running on a single EC2 instance is feasible. Our main concern is always just running out of disk space. It would be amazing if this ends up being a config option in the open source version, where we can point the instance at an S3 bucket and provide the right IAM access.

I work as a Product Manager at Timescale. :)

The data tiering feature will be only available in the Timescale cloud offering, we do not have plans to support this feature in oss/self-hosted at the moment.

Thanks for sharing your use-case with TimescaleDB. I'm curious to understand how are you ingesting metrics today into TimescaleDB, do you manage your own schema, retention, compression and downsampling?

We at Timescale have built a product named Promscale for easy metrics and traces ingestion with automatic schema-management, compression, retention and downsampling capabilities with full SQL support. Have you tried Promscale (https://github.com/timescale/promscale) for your metrics use-case?

To learn more about Promscale join us in #promscale channel in our community slack (https://slack.timescale.com/)