Can I still just install NVM and use that to install and maintain Node? I assume snap will suffer the same annoyances of apt where I can't trivially get the exact version I want and switch among them.
If you don’t like NVM’s shell config shenanigans you can use n -
There'a also `nodenv` which I've taken to using recently. Doesn't slow down opening new shells like nvm. And has a handy feature that will set the used node version to whatever is found in a directory's `.node-version` file.
I came into `nodenv` after being a regular user of `pyenv` for a while. Started with `nvm`, but wished for something more pyenv-like.
There is also `asdf` [2], which seems even more generic. On paper it looks interesting, but I haven't found a solid reason to switch out of `pyenv` and `nodenv`.
Has anyone tried `pyenv` and/or `nodenv` and switched to `asdf`?
[1] [2]