Flask is a good alternative to Django for building web apps with python on the backend. If I'm using react or vue with a JSON API, I don't need the form support in symfony or django.
However, deploying a Flask/Django/Rails app still is usually less fun than deploying a PHP app of the same spec written w/ Symfony or Laravel.
Configuring a service to monitor gunicorn, which itself took a bit to configure, before I begin configuring NGINX or Apache... it's really a pain in the butt.
LAMP/LEMP stacks just... are
So ease-of-install beats code quality, code readability, security, future maintenance and better tooling. Dang.
LEPP (nginx, PostgreSQL, Python) stack seems to me an all-around better stack for most of the deployments people use LAMP for.
If you compare it to a generalized Lamp stack, sure. Compare it to Laravel, and you have no solid basis for "code quality", worse readability, it's Fortune 100-levle-secure, future-maintenance -- Laravel is more active than any other community out there, and has significantly more tooling.