2023 and now we have virtual threads that replace blocking IO with non-blocking automatically! Haven't tested it yet though! But I am reviving the 2001 MMO now!
In between I made my own MMO backend that uses NIO, conclusion is event-based network and validation is the only way to scale action MMOs past 100 players.
Also you need to share memory atomically between cores, so Java or C.
Other than Erlang, Pony[1] might be an interesting choice. It allows sharing memory, even mutable memory, but it tracks the sharing in the type system. It's been a long time since I looked at it, and it definitely had a bunch of rough edges, but I really liked where the things were going. I hope it got even better since.
I use some C++ features and dabble in js when I make HTML but really since Applet and Flash has been removed the browser is just a bloated waste of time.
Make your apps fast by allowing them to share memory without latency!
I have also coded Perl, VisualBasic, php and C# and I'm pretty sure this is it.
What we need now are VMs that can take any bytecode/instructionset and translate it to all others. For true crossplatform development. But that requires us to dump dynamic allocation. Arrays of 64 byte structures FTW!
You're gonna love this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebAssembly
Still waiting for a Windows release of this: https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasm-micro-runtime
Don't hold you breath.
Also needs Risc-V and ARM 32/64.