> It's important to remember that we are not encrypting the text here.

Thank you for emphasizing this. Many junior devs have been bitten by not being told early enough the difference between encryption (requires a secret to be reversed), hashing (cannot be reversed) and encoding (can always be trivially reversed).

Also good to know that while the output looks random, it follows the same entropy as the input. Ie: don't base64 encode your password to make it stronger.

This is a nitpick and not pertinent to anything, but base64 encoding your password could make it stronger. Password strength is not just about entropy, high entropy is simply the most effective way of making your password stronger. If your password is 100% randomly generated (as it should be) then base64 encoding it won't do anything.

If however your password is engineered to be easier to remember, for example by using dictionaries or some kind of scheme that has a lower entropy, then the base64 encoding step adds a single bit of strength to your password. Meaning anyone who is brute forcing your password using a smart password cracker, has to configure that cracker to also consider base64 encoding as a scheme, basically forcing it to perform a single extra operation for every try.

Anyway, useless information, you shouldn't be using password schemes like that. The horse shoe battery staple type password style should be quite sufficient I think.

One could argue that base64 having a shorter output length than its input would weaken any given password, assuming a brute force attack (not a dictionary one).
Base64 turns 6 bits to a ASCII character (8 bits), I don't think it's possible to have a shorter output length.
Adding to this here [1] is a chart that shows how several encodings affect size ratios of utf-8, 16 and 32. Of course that gets into the discussions [2][3] of using utf in passwords and I have no idea how many password schemes support this beyond what I use.

[1] - https://github.com/qntm/base2048

[2] - https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/85663/is-it-a-g...

[3] - https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/4943/will-using...