The great outliner features of the first two, and the backlinking and graphing of Obsidian. My only real reservation is that files are not in Markdown. Is there a plan to address that, or is a DB central to the architecture? Currently using LogSeq because of this but eager to switch.
CSV -> Excel -> SQL -> Distributed Cloud DBs
Furthermore, our database supports data types, including numbers, dates, etc. I don't think any networked notetaking app has executed well on tables and non-string types. UX for tables is generally not great for markdown.
That should be true, but so far it is Roam with the biggest problems with performance, from 30+ seconds of loading each time you load/refresh tab to constant lags in normal usage for some users :)
I personally like the most this mixed approach of Logseq - app internally uses DataScript, but data is ultimately stored in plain files.
Roam's performance suffers mainly on first-load because they are server-first, and they load the entire db into memory at the beginning (such that it's quite fast thereafter).
Once we have true local-first data structures with something like, we could still have fast in-memory, but also fast initial load.