Are there any case studies where microservices went well?

From an end user perspective, Netflix runs in “constantly degraded” mod.

From an engineering perspective, they track “number of successful stream starts”, instead of percentage of the time 100% of their services are working. That’s a huge red flag.

As a researcher, the monitoring and fault-propagation / modeling work they’ve done to get it to stay up at all is impressive, but it’s not clear all of that tooling would be necessary if they didn’t have to reason about N^2 fault tolerance scenarios, where N = 100’s of microservices. That’s on the order of one fault tolerance scenario for each atom in the universe.

Like others have mentioned here, simply pointing out examples where microservices have failed doesn't imply that microservices can't succeed. I've attempted to bake bread twice and they both failed. I didn't conclude that baking bread can't be done, but that my skills to do it were insufficient.

There are lots of examples of successful companies using microservices, but I believe the real problem is in defining what constitutes a microservice. Most people call things "microservices" that are nothing of the sort. I can unequivocally say if you built a "service" that depends on other things being 100% available (like another "service") than you haven't built a microservice (ie: those things you built shouldn't be called services).

By that token, autonomy is a pretty important factor. The Udi Dahan teachings ( (currently available for free) promote this style of architecture. A concrete example of a toolkit for building true microservices can be found in Message DB ( and/or Eventide (

I wouldn't suggest, however, that anyone can just watch the course, pick up these tools and succeed. Like baking a good loaf of bread, it takes a lot of skill, work and experience. Whether or not you succeed at building microservices is ultimately up to you and your team.