EletricSQL is very cool, congratulations and thanks for the work!
I was thinking about using it for an app that I'm developing but decided to not ship a 2mb binary to every user.
And that led me to discover that IndexedDB is actually quite interesting.
Any plans to integrate EletricSQL with IndexedDB?
Hey, thank you :)
We currently use IndexedDB for the virtual filesystem underneath the wa-sqlite [1] WASM SQLite driver in the browser. But yup, that means a ~1.1MB WASM download.
We'll definitely stay with SQLite in the client. One of our key principles is full SQL support (any Postgres supported SQL on the server, any SQLite supported SQL on the client). So we won't go pure IndexedDB without a database on top.
There's a lot of cool stuff going on with OPFS and WASM SQLite atm, so the technical options are evolving fast.