> But why would I use yarn today?

I think many many many people switched to Yarn 1.x wholesale and then switched back to NPM once it had undergone some improvements.

This is exactly what I did. I even participated in the Yarn project a bit before it was fully open, but as npm 6 and 7 brought major speed improvements, workspaces, and overrides, I don't see the need for an alternate package manager anymore. As a library maintainer using the same package manager that most of my users do is a pretty big help.

I'll be very happy when npm's linked install strategy is stable so that there's less reason to use pnpm and we get dependency isolation in monorepos.

> I don't see the need for an alternate package manager anymore.

I do see a strong need for lerna though. Lerna's ability to manage concurrency, topological sort-based builds and streaming builds is phenomenal and an absolute necessity in monorepositories. It is unfortunate that this functionality is not available by default in npm in any way.

npm workspaces plus Wireit works far better than Lerna, in my experience.


Wireit's ability to specify actual script dependencies, do caching (and on Github actions), and its long-running service script support make it much more useful and comprehensive than Lerna.

I agree that this should be built into npm. There's an RRFC for it here: https://github.com/npm/rfcs/issues/706