To be honest Firefox add-ons process is so grotesque. For instance I can't load my extension without signing in Firefox stable version. And their tool especially web-ext has lot of issues like takes lot of time, gives pesky error if your system time is incorrect (my isp has blocked ntp servers and idk why and switching to vpn just to update is painful tbh). And developing addon is also hard for firefox compared to chrome as the dev tools frequently give message unrelated to extension etc.
Sometime I get so angry but I have been using firefox nearly for decades. Its so hard for me :(
Frankly - I'm a little peeved that Optional permissions in Firefox are STILL broken - The prompt can only be triggered in response to a user action, and Firefox blows the fuck up if you put a promise anywhere in between the user click and the call to the api. Which is hugely ironic, since Mozilla is the one pushing to move all the webext APIs to be promise based (and provides a nice helpful library for Chrome/Edge/Safari support: which... doesn't work on their platform. Doubly ironic, since the result is that most FF extensions just ask for more permissions up front, which is exactly the opposite of what you'd want in the "secure/private" world Mozilla claims they're pushing towards.