web components are never happening
That seems like a rather bold statement without much reasoning behind it. What in particular makes you think that web components are "never happening"?
Easy: web components have not implemented a single part of the original promise [1].

It's not Web Components that are happening, it's the dozens of frameworks required to make them work that are happening.

Even mixpanel's library "does so by providing an easy-to-use state management and rendering layer built on Virtual DOM (the basis of the core rendering technology of React). Through use of the Snabbdom Virtual DOM library and first-class support for multiple templating formats" [2]

Web Components are a very low-level extremely limited crummy DOM-based API that no one in their right mind wants to use. They are not happening.


[1] https://fronteers.nl/congres/2011/sessions/web-components-an...

[2] https://github.com/mixpanel/panel