I really hope that web components take off, because I'm getting pretty tired of having to learn different ways of building components every damned year. Most components don't need blazing-fast rendering engines, the templating engine of the now, or even two-way bindings out of the box, and thus I'd like to use components that can live on their own but also be easily wrapped into whatever framework I'm using.

I'd like frameworks to be a lot closer to scaffolds, or actually be frameworks, as opposed to what most of them are now which is reimplementations of application units. The web components standard can help make it possible for tools to become interoperable between frameworks(okay, and view libraries), that would be wonderful.

Web components work very well in isolation, and/or within a homogenous web component framework/library.

However, it is still pretty challenging to pass data throughout web components (in a way that allows you to build a complete application). HTML attributes are not great for data transfer (string serialization for everything). JS properties are a bit opaque (not represented by markup). And everyone ends up wanting some sort of property binding system, which may be unrealistic to standardize.

I think there will always be a place for some amount of framework/library support necessary for application builders.

Yeah, the way we use web components at Mixpanel involves sticking to the vanilla APIs for lifecycle management, but we still need libraries to handle inter-component communication, state and rendering (see my discussion at https://engineering.mixpanel.com/2018/06/12/making-web-compo... and https://github.com/mixpanel/panel). I do hope some of these concerns eventually get addressed in the standards though.