“This article is probably full of potholes, errors and half-baked thoughts.”

To chip in some thoughts:

1. If you use chrome, you cannot fully disable tracking. Even if you use chromium, you can’t enable sign-in, which pretty well neuters a lot of great features. Even Firefox collects info about you so you need to configure it more than he says.

2. AdNauseam, etc esp with Adblock seems extremely questionable.

3. If you use Google.com, Android OS, or any google services, they track you. So much for installing Firefox and uBlock...

4. Install a privacy tool like Privacy Badger or Disconnect. Surprised I didn’t see this on the list, even from 2017.

Shouldn't the hosts file from https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts + uBlock Origin + uBlock Origin Extra be the perfect anti-tracking combo?