Does anyone know any alternative projects (that are still dns based)? I don't need all the web interface parts. I think I just want a good, recent dnsmasq config. If it does new crypto dns stuff, that'd be cool too. I'm not up to date.

I use Unbound[1] for DNS caching and local DNS. I have Unbound configured to forward queries to a local Stubby[2] instance that does DNS over TLS to CloudFlare.

Stubby does keep-alives and not restricted to a single thread and opening a new connection per query like Unbound which is why I used it as a forwarder as a few more features than Unbound.

In my Unbound config I have an include to a blocklist generated from, essentially I pipe the data from that repo through awk [3]

I have an Android TV box so also have a firewall rule to redirect all queries to and port 53 to my local DNS server.

No GUI's, solid and stable. Only thing missing is I need to write a cron job to fetch the latest block list, validate, convert to Unbound format and reload the daemon. It's only a 10 minutes job just something I haven't got round to yet.

OpenBSD is really good for running this stuff.

[1] [2] [3]