One of the nifty parts about having a static site generated offline from trusted inputs is that it doesn't matter whether the generator components are "abandoned" or complete.
Ehhh... assuming their dependencies and your operating system maintain compatibility with it on the order of decades, yes. Which do exist, but they're understandably rare.

And it's complicated by this only being knowable in retrospect, as you can't predict the future. "Not abandoned" is a positive sign for "if we failed to predict the future correctly, it'll be fixed", rather than mostly relying on luck.

(Thankfully full-blown simulation is often an option nowadays too)

> (Thankfully full-blown simulation is often an option nowadays too)

Yes, and I think its fair to assume that some backend to execute the x86-64 Linux ABI will out-live most readers.

Projects like, or do make it approachable to "bundle" a lot of software down to libc.