There was a time that I trusted HP and their products and would recommend their business line to friends and family. This has changed over the years.

Crummy software updates (had to install an old version of some Intel tool to get my laptop to sleep in Windows 10) and the crapware they still bundle with Windows has made me take a step back from that position.

With this move I'm done with HP. I would have accepted a simple and clear explanation and toggle to send the same information, but this is just too shitty.

If anyone from HP is reading this, tell your supervisor that you've just lost another guy-that-everyone-goes-to-for-pc-advice. I hope you're happy.

Telemetry systems are out of control, and really exploded with the smartphone era. Personally, I run application level firewalls on all my devices i) to stop ads & ii) to stop telemetry. Unfortunately, it's too hard/too much trouble for the average user to maintain.

We need to come up with a better way to (automatically) hobble this nonsense, probably at the os level.

Hosts file blocklists work well for known domains.