I run uBlock for the sake of not getting bogged down by resource heavy ads/cryptominers and to mitigate the threat of malware, not so much tracking. I would assume most major ad companies have already vastly improved fingerprinting and will be able to track unique devices despite all conventional trackers being blocked. Add to that how more and more sites require you to be signed in to be functionally useful that ad tracker blocking is becoming less useful as time goes on.

In any case ad personalisation does work with me as I never click on any ad, personalised or not.

If you are using Firefox, they have started the war against browser fingerprinting: https://blog.mozilla.org/firefox/how-to-block-fingerprinting...

So, with a strong hosts file, a blocker/noscript/privacy badger we are in a better place. It is always a cat and mouse game though..

My go-to for HOSTS is: https://someonewhocares.org/hosts/

I think this GitHub one is a bit better documented maybe, but both look good.
