money quotes

> Running with a Pi-hole helps, but still misses about 27% of A ID leaks, and 45% of serial number leaks.


> Our measurements showed that tracking is prevalent on the OTT platforms we studied, with traffic to known trackers present on 69% of Roku channels and 89% of Amazon Fire TV channels… Our analysis of the available privacy countermeasures showed that they are ineffective at preventing tracking.

the fact that pihole is ineffective is troublesome.

You can improve that stat. If you have a router that allows it, make a rule that allows port 53 out if it’s from the Pihole, and redirects it back to the Pihole if it isn’t. You’ll catch more of the sneaky crap that way.

I do this, any traffic to port 53 gets re-directed using IP masquerading to my local DNS server which uses the blocklists from

By coincidence since I did that I need to do a hard reboot of my Mi Box android tv device everyday as when you turn it on from standby and open Youtube / Netflix it goes in to a frozen state.