This article pretty well matches my own reaction to seeing the Neohaskell web site a few minutes earlier, from clicking a nearby HN post about it. Too much song and dance, too much Discord, not enough plain explanations instead of cute graphics, no convincing vision that any version of Haskell can be anything other than a language for nerds, and also no explanation of why we nerds shouldn't want to use a nerdy language that we can nerd with, instead of this weird attention seeking thing. Hipsters already have Ruby after all. Can't they just use it?

I even felt something like that about Yesod, so Gabriella's mention of Stack seemed apropos. In Yesod's case, the author (Michael Snoyman, also author of Stack) was at least an extremely knowledgeable and productive Haskeller, even if some of the decisions in Yesod came across as dubious for purists. Neohaskell has far less substance behind it.

Ngl i'm very willing for languages to cater to my CQRS needs. Boilerplate city amirite?
Did you ever look at Adam Chlipala's Ur/Web? That was really something. Look for wayback machine snapshot of