With Scala you feel smart having just got something to work in a beautiful way but when you look around the room to tell your clojure colleague how clever you are, you notice he left 3 hours ago and there is a post-it saying use a Map

So he was making reference to Clojure here. That's fine, but you don't have to make things complicated in Scala if you don't want to.

I love the semantics of Clojure, but until you get some optional typing and possibly another syntax baked in forget about it for a whole class of devs.

> but until you get some optional typing

The schema library form the prismatic guys should be what you want, its pretty powerful.


Aria Haghighi - Prismatic's Schema for Server and Client-Side Data Shape Declaration and Validation (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_jtwIs2Ot8&list=PLZdCLR02grL...)

For static type checking: https://github.com/clojure/core.typed

> possibly another syntax baked in

Not needed in my mind. I would rather have less devs then C syntax. Not trying to be elitist but clojure will never not be a lisp, and if somebody can move from a(b) to (a b) then let him do python.