i don't fear macros, but i am wary of them: when there are only a few macros, it seems as though replacing them with functions makes more sense, even if the syntax is slightly messier. when there are so many macros that you've essentially made an entirely new language, writing a REPL feels like a cleaner separation, even if it is more work.
i would be interested to see links to libraries, particularly clojure libraries, that make heavy but judicious use of macros. it totally makes sense that macros are useful because they capture part of this "code as data" idea that's so central to, esp., lisps. but having more examples of actual problems that they solve would be helpful.
All of Racket's `#lang` family of languages are implemented with macros on top of core Racket. For example, Scribble, mentioned in another comment, is the documentation language used to author the article, and the Racket docs[1]). Or Slideshow, Racket's programmatic Powerpoint alternative.
Try to add a static type system to Racket or Clojure. Oh but you don't have the ability to change the runtime system. With macros you can do it. See Typed Racket[2] or Typed Clojure[3].
[1]: http://docs.racket-lang.org/ [2]: https://github.com/plt/racket/tree/master/pkgs/typed-racket-... [3]: https://github.com/clojure/core.typed