This looks very cool.

In ClojureScript, we have the re-frame pattern/framework, which is built on Reagent, which is a ClojureScript wrapper of React.

re-frame is all about subscriptions, using a "big atom" to hold application state client-side. Seeing Elm implement the same subscription pattern makes it look pretty tempting.

My understanding is that ClojureScript and Elm have some similarities - functional, pleasant to work with - with one significant difference being that Elm is typed.

Elm is typed, Clojurescript is homoiconic. 2 great features.

Wondering if you could make a lisp where `lambda` or `fn` required type annotations, such as

    (defn add 
      [int -> int -> int] ;; type annotation
      [x y] ;; arguments list
      (+ x y))
Then it would be homoiconic - something that has saved me hundreds of lines of code (and the less code, the less bugs as a rule of thumb).

Then every function down to the very basic lisp functions would have types. Dunno how doable this is - but it doesnt matter. Someone implemented it in Common Lisp in the 80s I'm sure.

There's Typed Racket [1] and for Clojure there's core.typed [2]which do pretty much that. For Clojure there's also Schema [3], which is a bit lighter weight (it's not a full type system), but still gets you some of the benefits like validation and documentation.

[1] [2] [3]