These advertising networks are destroying web performance. Most of these "Supercookies" are optimizations to improve performance. By abusing them, advertisers have turned what should be a great performance tool into a liability. I know FF suggests this won't significantly affect most websites performance, but web advertising and trackers are already responsible for a huge chunk of performance issues already.

Of course we'll have the inevitable guy pop in here and talk up how awesome web tracking is because it helps sites monetize better, but that's all bullshit. At this point, all the advertising profits are sucked out of the web by Facebook and Google. The rest of the industry, including publishers are just struggling to get by while two trillion dollar behemoths throw them scraps.

I run a network ad-block dns (pihole) and consistently 25-33% of all my network traffic is blocked as ads. It's much more than I ever imagined. Now I'm used to a different internet, when I'm using internet off the network it's like WTF is this?

I added this to my /etc/hosts

What is the advantage of having DNS on a separate device other than that it provides ad blocking for multiple devices?