I'm a little bit embarrassed to admit I don't have any computer that low-spec. My most puny device is an Asus EeeBox, which has an Atom N270 (32bit, single-core, two threads) and 1GB of RAM.[0]

The biggest problem in this challenge would be the web, I suppose, as a recent web browser that supports Javascript and all that will easily use more than 1GB of RAM just by itself.

I like the idea, though.

[0] Strictly speaking, I also own a mid-1990s ThinkPad with 24MB of RAM and a 80486 CPU, but that device has no storage except the HDD, no network, not way for me to attach any network or storage, so it's practically useless. :(

> The biggest problem in this challenge would be the web, I suppose, as a recent web browser that supports Javascript and all that will easily use more than 1GB of RAM just by itself.

You'd be surprised, I've found that 1GB devices are still quite usable on the 'modern' web by adding some swap space and not having too many tabs. Of course that's approaching the lower bound of usefulness these days.

- Install ZRAM on your Linux distro

- Ublock Origin is a must. If not: https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts. Clone it, backup /etc/hosts, append the content of the /hosts subfiles MINUS the localhost and ::1 lines.

- Use a bare window manager, not a DE. Cwm, icewm, doesn't matter. Use lxappearance to set up your gtk theme to something you like.