Ehh, I don't like current state of the Internet

In last months I've started wondering why do I even pay my internet bills

60% of the reason I still do it is that I need internet for my job

the rest is HN, two or three subreddits, music and some video games, wiki/google/maps and the fact that I still need to learn a lot in order to advance in career.

It's insanely hard to avoid that main stream media content (celebrities, dramas, dramas, dramas and $bad_stuff/propaganda) that affects the mood, even when I don't use "normal" social medias.

    >It's insanely hard to avoid that main stream media content
It's very easy. I modify my hosts file with lists such as Steven Blacks [1] or the EnergizedProtection host lists [2] which are both continuously updated files containing know ad server URL's and whatnot.

I can honestly say that I haven't seen an ad in years, let alone any form of divisive content. But I also might just not visit many websites where they show that stuff. The best solution to that is to avoid those sites if possible.

