This kind of data collection abuse is why I think we need more addons like AdNauseam [1]. Unlike uBlock Origin, it's not available from the Chrome web store anymore, which is a good sign that Google hates these types of addons more than they hate simple blockers.

Blocking A/AAAA domains with custom URLs to prevent tracking is almost impossible, so instead let's flood the trackers with useless, incorrect data that's not worth collecting.


Yup. I've used NoScript for years, and one of the most frequently appearing sites that remain blocked is googletagmanager.

I totally second the sentiment that this is merely minimal defense against hostile 'service providers'.

This avalanche of tracking libraries is now almost as toxic as email spam in its worst-controlled days. Much of the internet is literally unusable, as pages take dozens of seconds to minutes to load - on a CAD-level laptop that can rotate 30MB models with zero lag.

In fact, does anyone have a blacklist of trackers that we can just blackhole at the HOSTS file or router level? Maybe time to setup a pihole?

This is my go-to:

It helps a lot.