This seems...fine, in that I guess it's better that this is out there than not, but:

- Nest.js already kills in this role and I'm not seeing a lot of justification for "use this instead." That team, too, has a really impressive set of integrations and their stuff does a really good job of playing nice with each other.

- Sequelize over TypeORM when you're using TypeScript is a bold (read: IMO, foolish) decision. TypeORM is the least awful ORM I've seen in any language other than Ruby and Sequelize wasn't very good for JavaScript; it's all kinds of clunky for TypeScript.

- Is manual routing, instead of something like attribute discovery, really what people want these days when they're using a convention-over-configuration framework? Rails had to do it; NodeJS frameworks have other alternatives.

Anybody who's used this have any thoughts on why one would go with it over Nest.js or Koa?

I'm paying attention to this ORM as a typeorm alternative, but still using typeorm for now.
Mammoth is also worth paying attention to. Still early, but a promising approach.