I mean, good luck when you are later porting to another DB system.
How big of a concern is this? Nowhere I’ve ever worked has been concerned with the ability to swap the database for a completely different one, in the same way they are not concerned with the ability to swap whatever programming language is being used for a different one.
I worked for an organization that used Oracle for relatively trivial applications. The difficulty of switching to MySQL and then later to Postgres convinced them to use an ORM going forward.

Basically if your app might last 20 years (this one went online when I was 4) it might be a consideration.

In a type-safe environment I think you should just be able to switch your pur sang SQL builder to another dialect. Because of the type-safety you’ll be able to find incompatibilities at compile time which makes the migration easy enough (ignoring data migration). This avoids creating a weird ad hoc SQL dialect trying to fit all the others in a single API.

I work on Mammoth which is a pur sang Postgres query builder, see https://github.com/Ff00ff/mammoth.