congrats on this milestone.

I’m currently using a graph database (dgraph) mostly so I can easily query complex relationships), and I’m wondering whether EdgeDB has similar performance due to how it stores data?

my understanding of EdgeDb is that it stores everything in a single table, and there’s an underlying graph structure. does this give added performance on complex queries?in other words, does EdgeDB perform complex queries involving multiple relationships better than an equivalent complex Postgres JOIN query? how does the performance compare to the average graph database for queries involving complex relationships? has it been performance tested on complex queries?

EdgeDB stores data in a fairly normalized table layout, where every object type corresponds to a physical table.

The performance of deep hierarchical queries with EdgeQL will be better than SQL with joins because with joins you'd have an unnecessarily wide denormalized set of rows. EdgeDB instead aggregates data in nested arrays via subqueries. The performance is great.