I’ve got plenty of criticism for pipenv, but comments like these don’t endear me towards Kenneth’s critics.
What's wrong with pipenv? I've been meaning to try it
So I've been using it a bunch on my more recent Python projects. The promise and the reality are unfortunately not close.
For the record I love having a one stop tool for virtualenvs and dependency management. That's quite nice. The Pipfile is nice. The Pipfile.lock is awesome.
The tool itself is:
1. Painfully slow. 2. Very buggy.
For example `pipenv graph --json` is broken in the latest release. This is the mechanism that other tools use to hook into pipenv. It's actually been broken in various ways since May.
It's also incompatible in subtle ways with the latest pip. So I had to downgrade to pip 10.x.
I've had some frustrating experiences lately now that the honeymoon is over.
I'm going to keep using it, but I really hope some serious improvement is made in the next 6 to 12 months around performance and stability.
Yeah, the speed thing with lockfiles is painful. But python dependency management is such a mess anyway that it's probably the best thing out there.
Consider https://github.com/sdispater/poetry as an alternative.