@marginalia_nu: Definitely not saying this should be a top priority to fix, but I tried to look at the source out of interest, and the Git repo link in “Feel free to poke about in the source code or contribute to the development” on the search page is currently 404ing.
Hmm, should be fixed now. I used to run my own git forge, but moved over to github, leaving the git.marginalia.nu domain with a redirect that was supposed to direct over to the github repository, but apparently it didn't quite work for that link for some reason.
Since the nginx is currently serving its "hello nginx" even for "/", this bypasses the whole problem: https://github.com/MarginaliaSearch/MarginaliaSearch

I'm not sure why the change <https://github.com/MarginaliaSearch/MarginaliaSearch/commit/...> wouldn't just point to GitHub itself; is there analytics value in having people click on your domain first?