How about using old hardware for longer and building optimized software that performs great even on old hardware?
I’m a proponent of that. Just rewriting old java or python monsters in an efficient language like Rust would easily give us an order of magnitude better efficiency.

A special class of theorem provers could be developed, proving that a program runs below a certain level of spacetime complexity.

This would entail a great increase in energy efficiency.

I also endorse holy information warfare against inefficient proof of work cryptocurrencies and a transition to efficient proof of stake.

I like Rust, but gosh it produces the second-biggest bloated binaries I've ever seen. (Yes, it's mostly people using it wrong, though apparently I'm one of them.) The only thing worse is C++. (Again, probably people using that wrong, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.) Java and Python, by comparison, are tolerable, even when people use them wrong; when Java programs are huge, that's usually because of a mass of hideous “business logic” rather than a billion dependencies.
But it doesn't depend on a runtime. The Java program may be smaller but it depends on hundreds of MB of JVM.

If you're building a docker image for example Rust is going to be smaller.

The JVM is 114MiB on my machine. A near-minimal ggez program in debug mode is about 100MiB,¹ and ggez is small for a Rust application library. When you start getting into the 300s of dependencies (i.e. every time I've ever got beyond a trivial desktop application), you're lucky if your release build is less than 100MiB.

Sure, I could probably halve that by forking every dependency so they aren't duplicating versions, but that's a lot of work. (It's a shame Rust doesn't let you do conditional compilation based on dependency versions, or this would be a lot easier. As it is, we have to resort to the Semver trick: — not that many people do that, so it's functionally useless.)

Take GanttProject as an example. It's 20.6MiB of files, plus the JVM. I challenge any of you to make a Rust version (with accessibility support in the GUI) that can open (something resembling) its XML files and draw some (vague graphical Proof of Concept) representation on the screen (with editable text fields), in less than 114+21=135 MiB of binary. And then tell me how, because I've been trying to do that kind of thing for over a year.

¹: I can get it down to around 8MiB with release mode, lto etc., but that significantly increases the build time and only about halves the weight of the intermediate build files.