It's interesting to look at the source code. However, I have yet to find a clear unique selling point that justifies the development of a new language and infrastructure, or clearly shows me why I shouldn't just use D, for example. Any hints?
Jai has a few unique features that are quite interesting. You can think of it as C with extremelly powerful metaprogramming, compile-time codegen and reflection, and strong template systems, plus a few extra niceties like native bump allocator support or things like easily creating custom iterators. There is nothing quite like it.
Thanks. I guess the "extremelly powerful metaprogramming", "compile-time codegen" and "strong template systems" are essentially the same thing. So the unique selling point of Jai from your perspective would be "C with generic metaprogramming, iterators and reflection"? Besides reflection, which is quite limited in C++, this would essentially be a subset of C++, isn't it?
Cpp goes nowhere to this level. Jai templates execute normal code (any code) at compile time, so there is no need for sfinae tricks or others, you just write code that directly deals with types.

You can do things like having structs remove or add members by just putting the member behind an if branch. You can also fully inspect any type and iterate members through reflection. There is a macro system that lets you manipulate and insert "code" objects, the iterator system works this way. you create a for loop operator overload where the for loop code is sent to the function as a parameter.

It also lets you convert a string (calculated compile time) into code. Either by adding it into the macro system, or just inserting it somewhere.

Some of the experiments ive done were implementing a full marc-sweep GC by generating reflection code that would implement the GC sweep logic, having a database system where it directly converts structs into table rows and codegens all the code relating to queries, automatic inspection of game objects by having a templated "inspect" type thing where it exposes the object into imgui or debug log output, fully automatic json serialization for everything, and an ECS engine where it directly codegens the optimal gather code and prepares the object model storage from whatever loops you use in the code.

All of those werent real projects, just experiments to play around with it, but they were done in just a few dozens/hundreds lines of code each. While in theory you could do those in Cpp, it would need serious levels of template abominations to write it. In jai you write your compile time templates as normal jai. And it all compiles quickly with optimal codegen (its not bloating your PDB like a million type definitions would do in cpp template metaprogramming).

The big downside of the language is that its still a closed private beta, so tooling leaves much to be desired. There is a syntax color system, but things like correct IDE autocomplete or a native debugger arent there. I use remedybg to debug things and vscode as text editor for it. Its also on relatively early stages even if its been a thing for years, so some of the features are still in flux between updates.

That sounds interesting; seems to be even more flexible than comptime in Zig, almost as powerful as Lisp and the MOP. How about compiler and runtime performance of these features?

EDIT: can you point to source locations in the referenced projects which demonstrate such features? This is a very small experiment i did to learn the metaprogramming features. its an ECS library using the same model as entt ( In 200 lines or so it does the equivalent of a few thousand lines of template heavy Cpp while compiling instantly and generating good debug code.

Some walkthrough:

Line 8 declares a SparseSet type as a fairly typical template. its just a struct with arrays of type T inside. Next lines implement getters/setters for this data structure. Note how std::vector style dynamic array is just a part of the lang, with the [..] syntax to declare a dynamically sized array.

Line 46 Base_Registry things get interesting. This is a struct that holds a bunch of SparseSet of different types, and providers getters/setters for them by type. It uses code generation to do this. The initial #insert at the start of the class injects codegen that creates structure members from the type list the struct gets on its declaration. Note also how type-lists are a native structure in the lang, no need for variadics.

Line 99 i decide to do variadic style tail templates anyway for fun. I implement a function that takes a typelist and returns the tail, and the struct is created through recursion as one would do in cpp. Getters and setters for the View struct are also implemented through recursion

Line 143 has the for expansion. This is how you overload the for loop functionality to create custom iterators.

The rest of the code is just some basic test code that runs the thing.

Last line does #import basic to essentially do #import stl type thing. Jai doesnt care about the order of any declarations, so having the includes at the bottom is fairly common.