As a relatively new engineer (~2 years FAANG experience), there seems to be a connotation around .NET.

Perhaps this is indicative of the larger Microsoft ecosystem, but it feels like my peers at university and in the industry tend to stay far away from .NET for personal projects, etc.

Why is this?

I think .NET is still seen as if it's Windows-only or Windows-first. If it does start being used cross-platform, I think it will take a lot more time to get there, especially since Java has been working just fine for the same sorts of projects.

And it's an especially hard sell given that it doesn't have a good GUI situation. Support for Windows GUIs is back since .NET 5, but the cross platform options are weak. It's very possible when the MAUI library finally releases that we'll see more people deciding to use .NET.

AIUI, MAUI does not include Linux support. There was a third-party effort to get that going, but it's not part of MAUI proper, and it looks somewhat moribund.